Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Persistence, Even When It Is Not Easy

I have to admit that in the past several months, I have been struggling with many things. In the midst of my struggles, I have not been devoting much time and energy to the spiritual life, and I have found that I am reaping the fruits of my neglect. Why should God be faithful, when I am not? Why should I or the rest of America for that matter expect to receive God's blessings when we have turned our backs on Him? The further we sink into the pit of sin and lull our consciences into a deep coma, the more difficult it is to get out. We begin to make excuses for our behavior and actions (or inaction); we begin to justify everything that we do, whether good or evil.

It is no joke that our country is slipping further and further into the dung heap. Our political leaders don't care if they run this country into the ground or run up the deficit into the trillions of dollars. It does not matter that 14 million people are still unemployed or underemployed; it does not matter that many are losing their homes while the banks get a hand out from the government and continue with business as usual, so that the CEO's can get their millions in bonuses at the end of the year. It does not matter that in the wealthiest country, many more are falling into poverty.

I know that the time has come to turn my life around and I must begin by asking God's mercy for my own weaknesses and sins. Then I must begin to live my life for God and God alone. And I must begin to pray and develop a relationship of prayer not just when I feel like it or when it is convenient, but everyday! I know it will not be easy, but it can be done; it must be done. My life and my soul depend upon it! O God, come to my assistance. Lord, make haste to help me!

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